Most Common Skin Problems in Winter Season:
The seasonal weather in the northern hemisphere plays a big role in our skin, and when it changes from hot to cold, your skin will experience a huge change as well. You’ll need to pay more attention to your skin care in winter in order to prevent skin infections.
Skin problems in winter seasons affect certain body functions. The cold weather makes your immune system weaker which then causes you to have more problems with your skin. This is because your immune system needs to work harder to fight off bacteria and viruses that are more active at this time of year.
It is very important for you to pay attention to your skin problems in winter, especially on cold days when you are more likely to get skin problems. You can do a lot of damage even by just leaving your skin unprotected. It’s not too late to make sure you are well prepared to face the winter skin problems. This article will cover common winter skin problems and prevention tips to keep your skin looking vibrant and glowing.
Common Skin Problems that flare up in the winter:
Skin problems during the winter months are possible, even if you have healthy skin the rest of the year.
Cold weather can have an impact on skin health by causing skin problems such as:
- Dry skin
- Eczema flare-ups
- Keratosis Pilaris
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Oily Skin
- Acne
- Chapped lips
- Dandruff
- Dull skin
- Chapped lips
- Itchiness
- Cracked Heels
- Dry and irritated nose
- Itchy and scaly eyebrows
- Small cracks in the skin
- Itchy, dry and reddish spots
- Winter Rashes

1. Dry skin:
Dry skin in winter becomes a common skin problem with increasing age, as the skin becomes thinner with increasing age and can no longer absorb as much moisture. The cold air, the low humidity and the strong wind draw the necessary moisture from the skin. The dryness and winter skin problems can worsen and lead to cracks and scales.
Due to the dry air and lack of moisture, the skin is irritated and dehydrated, causing itching and scaling. When the skin warms up, it becomes red and swollen and can be painful. Chronic skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis are also exacerbated by cold, dry air.
2. Eczema flare-ups:
Eczema is one of the common skin problems in winter that causes itching, irritation and swelling. It can also cause redness of the skin, which may be accompanied by tiny bumps that can be painful at times. Eczema is usually linked to allergies, so if you have eczema, your doctor will likely try to find out what triggers your flare-ups and recommend ways you can reduce contact with those triggers or prevent them from affecting you.
3. Acne:
Acne is the most common one of skin problems that affects people of all ages, races and genders. The most common type of acne, which is called Acne Vulgaris, is caused by overproduction of sebum (skin’s natural oil) along with bacteria that grow inside pores, resulting in inflamed pimples that can be painful and unsightly.
While there are numerous products available to treat acne today, it has always been a challenge for dermatologists to find better and more tailored solutions.
4. Psoriasis:
Psoriasis is one among prevalent skin infections, long-lasting autoimmune disease that appears as raised, red patches covered with silvery scales. Psoriasis can be disfiguring and embarrassing, but it is not dangerous. The severity ranges from mild to severe, and can lead to extreme discomfort and depression in sufferers if left untreated. Over time the patches of psoriasis may become thicker or change shape.
There are several different types of psoriasis such as:
a) Plaque-type psoriasis
b) Guttate psoriasis
c) Inverse psoriasis (also known as flexural)
d) Pustular psoriasis
e) Erythrodermic or exfoliative psoriasis
Note: Avoid scratching the affected area. Scratching can break the skin and increase your risk for other skin infections. Choose clothing made from natural fibers that breathe well to help you prevent this problem.
5. Chapped lips:
Lips are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. They get chapped in cold weather, dry air, and even when you’re stressed out. Chapped lips are also considered as one type in skin problems that can lead to cracked skin, which can sometimes result in bleeding. The best way to prevent this is by using a good lip balm that will keep your lips soft and smooth. There are many different types of lip balms available on the market today.
6. Dandruff:
Many people are unaware that dandruff is indeed one of the skin problems. It is difficult to prevent dandruff in winter. One of the main reasons for dandruff is dry scalp, caused by low moisture levels in your hair. Normally, our scalp produces enough natural oil to keep our hair looking shiny and smooth. However, during winter it gets drier due to lower humidity levels, which leads to more flaking and dandruff. It is recommendable to see a dermatologist for these kinds of skin problems in order to receive personalized treatment.

7. Keratosis Pilaris:
Keratosis pilaris (KP) is one among common winter skin problems that causes small, hard bumps on the upper arms, thighs, or buttocks. There are no treatments specifically for KP. But if your keratosis pilaris is severe or bothering you, see a dermatologist for advice and treatment tailored to your specific case of keratosis pilaris.
8. Rosacea:
Rosacea is one of frequently diagnosed skin problems in winter that causes redness, pimples, and bumps on the face especially the cheeks and chin. It can cause extreme embarrassment for those who suffer from it. Rosacea can be treated with prescription medications and other simple treatments that bring significant improvement in symptoms.
9. Dull Skin:
There’s nothing worse than dull, lifeless skin during the winter months. Skin care in winter must be concentrated to avoid skin problems. To treat your dull skin, avoid hot water as it opens up pores and can remove natural oils from your skin that keep it smooth and healthy. Instead, use warm or lukewarm water to wash your face so you don’t strip away essential oils. Use a gentle facial cleanser every day with no strong fragrances or perfumes added.
10. Dry and irritated nose:
Have you ever considered that a dry and irritated nose could be one of the skin problems in winter? But for most people, winter means dry skin and irritated noses. What you might not realize is that these issues are caused by the same thing: cold wind! Cold air not only dries out your skin and chaps your lips, but it can also dry out and irritate your nose. The result is a sore, cracked, uncomfortable nose that itches like crazy. You may develop an allergy to the pollen in the air or end up with a runny nose. A cold or flu can also cause your nose to be dry and irritated. But there are some things you can do to prevent these skin infections from happening. Use saline solution to keep the nasal cavities moistened. You can use a spray bottle on your own, but commercial nasal sprays are also available.
11. Winter Rashes:
Winter is a common time for people to develop skin problems such as rashes and lesions. Though this may not be what you want to hear, it’s true! Rashes can be caused by a number of factors including dry skin, inadequate moisturizing and too much exposure to the sun. There are natural remedies that can help you relieve winter rashes naturally such as Aloe Vera which is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which makes it a great home remedy for most winter rash problems.
12. Itchy and scaly eyebrows:
Everyone’s eyebrows are itching and scaly in winter. These kinds of skin problems cause a lot of people to scratch the area, which will result in redness or even bleeding. It is because the cold temperature makes the skin under eyebrows dry, rough, scaly and itchy. In fact, many parts of our body become itchy when they are exposed to cold weather for a long time. There are numerous methods for treating itchy and scaly brows, the most common of which is to keep your brows moisturized.

13. Oily Skin:
Oily skin is one of the most common skin problems that affect many people. It causes the skin to produce excess sebum, leading to an oily complexion. Oily skin can feel greasy and look shiny, especially in areas with high concentrations of sebaceous glands, such as the face and back.
Sebum, the oil produced by these glands, helps to lubricate our hair and works as a natural moisturizer for our skin. But if sebum production goes out of control, excess sebum will build up in the pores causing them to look enlarged and greasy.
14. UV damage:
UV damage to the skin is one among the most common skin problems in winter. With the arrival of winter, people usually put on heavy clothes, hats and gloves to protect their skin from cold weather. Although they can prevent getting frozen, when they come indoors, the skin is still exposed to harmful UV rays from artificial light.
In fact, in winter it is easy to be affected by UV damage because the lack of sunlight makes it difficult for your body to produce vitamin D. Furthermore, there are many indoor activities during this season that increase the risk of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to skin problems. For example: Reading in front of a computer screen or working in an office with fluorescent lighting. UV rays can cause premature skin ageing and sun damage symptoms like wrinkles, leathery skin, liver spots, actinic keratosis, and solar elastosis.
15. Itchiness:
Everyone is aware that itching is one of the most prevalent winter skin problems. It’s that awful feeling of intense itching on your skin. People start itching in winter due to Lack of moisture in the house or body, dry air or Dead skin cells and bacteria that accumulate on our body during summer and get into our pores that cannot be washed off completely by water which then remains there throughout the year, causing itching when they become active.
The best way to get rid of skin problems like itchiness is by using a humidifier and taking a shower, rather than just rinsing off in the sink or bathtub. The hot water will open up your pores, which will allow you to exfoliate the dead skin cells that are causing you so much trouble.
16. Cracked Heels:
Cracked heels are one of the frequently heard skin problems in winter, especially for people who stay indoors most of the time. They can be painful and make wearing shoes uncomfortable. There are many home remedies to prevent cracked heels and other skin infections, which you can try instead of shelling out money to expensive pedicure clinics.
You should keep your feet dry at all times by wearing socks made from wool or synthetic materials that wick moisture away from the skin. Avoid tights as they don’t let air circulate around your legs, which makes it harder for sweat to evaporate off your skin. Also, avoid wearing shoes that are too tight, as this allows for easy air flow inside, which keeps skin infections at bay.
17. Small cracks in the skin:
We all know that winter is cold, but it’s not just cold that causes skin problems like dry skin. It’s actually caused by microscopic cracks in the skin. These hairline cracks are caused by a lack of water and oils in the skin, hair, and nails during the winter months. The body retains moisture to protect itself from extreme temperatures. So when your body loses moisture over time, you will start to see these small cracks appear on your face, hands or feet very easily.
If these cracks are not treated promptly, they can cause skin infections with bacteria and pathogens, which can lead to other skin problems. There are many ways to fix this problem. They include changing your diet to increase water intake and moisturizing more. The best way out is prevention, so keep warm and avoid skin problems altogether!
18. Itchy, dry and reddish spots:
In winter, many people suffer from itchy, dry and reddish spots on the skin. This is one of the most commonly seen skin problems in winter or cold seasons. When exposed to so much cold air, the skin loses its natural moisture and oils and causes itchy, dry and reddish spots. These symptoms are also attributed to a deficiency in vitamin A and zinc in the body or an allergic reaction to something that is usually considered harmless or other environmental factors and lifestyle factors.
Bottom Line: If you experience any of the above-mentioned winter skin problems or symptoms, please contact Redheal immediately for the best diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. Dial: +91 – 88 00 644 744.
Moisturizer for Softer Skin:
The best way to prevent and treat dry skin and many other winter skin problems is to get used to applying moisturizer at least once a day in winter. When the skin is dry, moisture needs to be replenished quickly and efficiently. The more often the skin dries out, the more moisture is needed to replenish it. You will need a prescription moisturizer to overcome the drying effect of winter on your skin. If you moisturize your skin regularly, you will limit your exposure to extreme cold and hot temperatures that can cause rashes. Winter rashes can take a lot of time without adequate skin protection.
12 Tips to Prevent Skin Problems in Winter:
The following are some of the preventive measures you can take to keep yourself from skin problems in winter:
- Keep your skin moisturized throughout the day (apply immediately after bath)
(Note: Vegetable shortening is suggested) - Drink enough water
- Wear soft, thin layers that are easily taken off and put on
- Stay indoors as much as possible
- Wear a good sunscreen
- Exfoliate your skin
- Avoid harsh products of skin care in winter
- Keep temperatures as low as is comfortable inside your house
- Invest in a humidifier
- Open windows and doors when you can (to keep air circulating indoors)
- Avoid your triggers such as detergents, perfumes, soap, wool, nylon, etc
- Wear soft, thin layers that are easily taken off and put on
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